Nationally Determined Contributions towards the Paris Agreement has
made the transition to clean energy systems by the nation. Our
organization mainly aims on developing initiatives that helps underserved
people in India an access to clean energy, increase the supply and
integration of renewable energy into the grid, and promote energy
efficiency and address the energy gap.
We aim to achieve this by bettering the quality of life of marginalized
communities by providing clean cooking, lighting and livelihood solutions.
Despite the rapid developments in clean energy solutions, 239 million
people in India still live without access to any form of electricity. MMF
develops and organizes initiatives that use sustainable energy as a catalyst
for socio-economic development of rural communities in a gender-inclusive
manner. Innovations, developing technological solutions and knowledge
generation / awareness campaigns serves to be the pillars of our action
plan to achieve the organization’s goals.
Energy efficiency is a key driving force in meeting environmental and
climate goals.
MMF Energy Team aims to achieve efficiency by using the following
- De centralized Off Grids / Short Grids are used to cut down on the
transmission loss of energy.
- To avoid on the conversion losses of energy where ever applicable we
use the Direct Current DC technology, which does not require conversion
of energy to any other suitable form to use, therefore need not worry about
loss of energy during conversion.
- A 360 Watt Solar Photo Voltaic panel is used in our renewable energy
systems. This is highly efficient and the best in achieving the organisations
goals in terms of transitioning to clean energy and also in integrating
renewable energy into the grid.